Thursday, January 3, 2013

The "Stone"page (Homepage)

("Typical caveman"
     Welcome to Ben Pfeiffer's Choose-Your-Own-Adventure page! The primary purpose of this blog is to have a good foundation to create my World History final project, but is also to let YOU to take an adventure through the Neolithic Revolution! (Heads up, I couldn't figure out how to make it double spaced) Arguably one of the most important events in human History, the Neolithic Revolution represents the transition of humans being simple hunter-gatherers to practicing agriculture and creating settlements (Jean-Pierre). Without the invention of agriculture, civilizations would never have formed; we'd still be hunting today. Thankfully though it did happen, hence the fact that you're able to read this. The reason I am making this project about the Neolithic Revolution is because I can give it credit for being the catalyst that created everything that makes my life simpler and more enjoyable. 
     In this CYOA, you will be making the decisions for Uug as he tries to survive and reproduce. Uug is a small minded brute, who in his ignorance has somehow managed to survive to adulthood. Free of drama, advanced thought, or experience in social interactions, it is now your job to keep this precious specimen from reaching an early end. Your goal for this CYOA is, surprisingly enough, is to make sure Uug survives and passes on his genes, while also participating in the beginning of civilization and organized society. Now without further ado, continue to [this page] to start your Adventure!