Monday, December 23, 2013

Primary Decision

     With a sudden burst of light, you are awoken by the sound of nearby running and the afternoon sun in your eyes. The wind is strong, blowing from the East. Your nose picks up on the scent of a fresh hunt. Excited, you thrust your hulking body into a clearing. You wiggle your feet in the crisp grass as you scan the treeline, trying to spot whatever awoke you. All is silent. Suddenly swiveling on your heels, you sprint through the trees. Quickly reaching an abrupt end, you're gifted a nice perch to scope out your prey. Solemnly hunching on a boulder, the field below opens up to you, expanding all the way to the horizon. Lost in the sea of green, you become mesmerized by the tranquility. A tree branch snaps. At the first sign of movement, your head is crooked back and your nostrils are flared up. 
"Uuga, ooga ooga!" 
I doubt whatever is close noticed your warning call, so you stand up, broaden your chest, and let out a bellowing yell. The birds desert the trees, fleeing for the safety of the sky. Silence. Then, out of the corner of your eye, something flickers. Grey blobs traverse your peripheral. A wolf pack! This must be the most excited you have ever been in your life so far. Just think of all the free meat! You can't let this opportunity pass you up, so you track the canines. You follow right on their path, determined to catch up to them and feast to your heart's content. 
...You lost track of the pack. Thankfully you're not sad for long, since your attention is averted to a group of other humans! They are about 50 feet away, picking plants and roots out of the field. They haven't noticed you yet. The gears in your head start grinding, locking you in a contemplative stance. [do you want to follow the humans and see what they're doing?] Or, [Do you want to continue hunting the wolves?]